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life works labs

The future of work is not about your job. It’s about your Life Work


life works labs

The future of work is not about your job. It’s about your Life Work

We founded Life Works Labs to explore how to do from being. Our aim is to bring forth into the world that which is inside us wanting to be revealed.

In 2015 we realized that business ‘as usual’ was no longer a valid option for our future. We began enquiring into the future of work not in terms of the job, but how work can be elevated to meaningfully express that which we treasure in our inner and outer worlds, both individually and collectively.

Many years into our journey, we continue to believe that business can - and must - become a source of goodness and healing. Work is not only the practice of productivity, generating value and making profit. It is also the best man-made vehicle to experience unity over separation. No other activity on Earth has the scope to bring us together so powerfully on a regular basis, both as a platform and as a community of practice.

By switching our perception from work life to life work, what we do every day becomes a chance to elevate our Consciousness, Connectivity, and Creativity, the 3 unique abilities we have as humans vs. other species. The great responsibility that comes from these superpowers is to convert them to evolution through the experience of our humanity in action.

Each of us has an important role to play in this unfolding story of becoming. We all offer our most precious resources of time and attention and the unique contributions we can make with our heart, mind, and hands. Life Work Labs helps to bring these elements together, in harmony, within ourselves and with each other to make work more beautiful.

Life Works Labs

offers you, your team, and your organization

  • 100+ labs from BreathWork to Blockchain

  • curated learning journeys, quests, retreats, events, workshops, masterminds

  • mentoring, coaching, facilitation, moderation

  • use case generation, ideation, incubation

  • tailor made solutions to help you discover, master, and become your life work.

How can we support your transformation?

Click the button below to schedule a free 45 min assessment call with our co-founders.

We Explore

the 3 super and natural powers that make us human


Is to help you discover and become your LIFE WORK

Our big question

How can our work better reflect the world we want to live in?

Our Learning pathway

exit comfort zone → #practice becoming you → find and connect to your #human algorithm → blend being and doing to #cultivate serendipity together → contribute to the world through your evolving life work and #exponential humanity

Where are you on your journey? Where is your team? Where is your organization?

Lab Sessions

Lab Sessions

Transform your work life to your Life Work

We have all been through a lot in the past few years. But the speed of change will not slow down. We are still in the early stages of exponential transformation at a global scale.

What it means to be a successful professional, business person, or human being in our new reality are all open to question. Maybe the only thing we do know is that we need a completely new perspective and a flexible frame of reference if we want to evolve. In other words, what got us here won’t get us where we need to go. We have to #practice becoming something we haven’t been yet, even if that seems impossible given all that is going on around us and within us.

Our greatest human powers can be accessed through surrender and trust that life works. This is not passivity or weakness, but a fundamentally different way of operating.

Leading from the heart takes courage and practice. The amazing upside is that you get to #cultivate serendipity by flowing in the power of your eco-system - the space where magic and miracles can and do happen .

Our mission is to remember that the very highest technology is still within us, largely unexplored and untapped. It is waiting for us to awaken it. For those that do, new ways of perceiving and shaping the future open up along the path to #exponential humanity.

Our unique learning journeys offer key insights, practical tools, and a diverse community of practice to activate and nurture your evolution at a personal, organizational, and societal level.

Book a free 30 minute discovery Zoom meeting with us to get started.

Reset. Refocus. Restart.

Our labs focus on what it takes to tap into your beginner’s mind and start manifesting a future better than today’s present. It is our individual and collective challenge to do this with more consciousness, connectivity, and creativity so that we can restart fresh and join our ideas beyond the limiting dogmas, fears, and patterns we’ve all collected throughout our lifetimes.

Our global challenge is to become more comfortable with the unknown - maybe even the unknowable. This is surely easier said than done; but, only just as much as everything is hard until it is easy. Today, what we do as work, and how and where we do it, are already adapting to the massive changes and challenges all around us. It is time for us all to look at it as our Life Work.

Nothing we’ve learned so far has prepared us for this, apart from one thing we all know deep inside: we grow with love. That seems like the right place to (re)start.

Life Works Labs learning domains & TOPICS



our #humanalgorithm


our #humanalgorithm

growing with our #humanalgorithm

We touch you.

You touch your close circle.

Your close circle touches thousands.

Thousands touch millions. Millions change the world.

What could #exponential humanity actually be like?

Since our founding in 2016, Life Works Labs has been a trusted guide and collaborator with a diverse range of companies, organizations, and communities from around the world. We would love to explore what Life Works means for you and help make it happen.

“Working with Life Works Labs has been a very inspiring and insightful journey for us.

Through our partnership, we had a chance to not only create unique workshops to leverage our leadership standards but also to touch many people’s lives and contribute to their development journey.

We have always been impressed with their professionalism and principle on putting human touch in the heart of their work.

- Unilever

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Media Content

Media Content

Our Podcast

The future is here. So how can we thrive in the NOW of exponential technology and accelerating disruption? Through our exponential humanity! This podcast is opening up the discussion with 150+ global Love Mafia members who share their experience about the things you need to thrive - from breath work to blockchain - that can help you amplify your consciousness, connectivity, and creativity. Jump in, and then do your part to pay it forward and let love rule!

Listen HERE

Corporate Unplugged with Markus Lehto

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'Beyond Back to Normal: Business in the time of Coronavirus' is an unfolding study being put together by Jonathan Cook that Eda Çarmıklı and Markus Lehto had the joy to be part of. Check out the podcast we were featured in, and also more information on his website. Very valuable information here, check it out.  

Listen to this episode here