We are happy and proud to introduce you to Michael Kass, who we had the pleasure of working with at the House of Beautiful Business in Barcelona as part of the Mobile World Conference earlier this year. His work and energy in the areas of storytelling, mindfulness, breathwork, and holistic mindset have left a deep impression on us. His knowledge and techniques have a place at the heart of personal and organizational transformation - and we hope that you will take interest in the modules we have created with him.

Session schedule :

A. Storytelling to Build Community and Culture (1 hour)

This interactive 60 minute workshop re-introduces storytelling as an ancient tool that lies at the center of all communities. By the end of the 60 minutes, participants will have a basic understanding of the neuroscience of story and how it functions in community, have explored the elements shared by all powerful stories, developed and shared a story of their own, and been introduced to a StoryBuilding process that they can apply in their work and beyond.

B. StoryCircles (1.5 hours)

This powerful community and/or team-building focused workshop invites participants to find, develop, and share personal stories of transformation in a safe, supportive, and inspiring environment. Participants come away with greater knowledge and confidence in their storytelling skills, a framework for developing stories that they can use and share, and a unique experience that may prompt ongoing work or inquiry.

C: Storytelling: Connect, Inspire and Transform (1.5 to 2 hours)

This dynamic 90 to 120 minute workshop investigates storytelling as tool to build movements, connect people, and inspire groups to action. We begin with a review of
the anthropology and neuroscience of story and launch into an experiential exploration
of story-building. By the end of our time together, participants will have a deeper understanding of how story functions, have experience building two stories of their own, and have gone through a StoryBuilding Process designed to take groups from lack of engagement (or even resistance) to understanding and action. The overarching goal of the workshop is that all participants come away feeling reconnected with the power of story to create change and empowered to use and share these tools in the workplace and beyond.

D: Storytelling for Authentic Leadership (3 hours / half day)

This half day workshop for leaders explores storytelling as a tool for communication, inspiration, and deeper connection to a sense of clarity and purpose. Over the course of a half day, each participant will have the opportunity to explore their Personal Mythology through interactive exercises and discussion, learn about the six types of leadership stories, and build and share powerful stories of their own. By the end of the workshop, all participants will have a deeper understanding of the role storytelling plays in powerful leadership, a closer connection with their own story, and new tools they can start applying and sharing right away.

E: Breathwork for Entrepreneurs and Other Humans (60 to 75 minutes)

Breathwork is a simple, active meditation practice that can help release stress and pent up emotion, move energetic blocks, and reconnect practitioners with a deep sense of clarity and purpose. After just one session, many people report an increased sense of well-being, deep connection with self, and awareness of being part of something much greater than themselves. The workshop requires no previous experience and is open to all, especially skeptics!