Join our workshop to Kickstart your Business Idea!
Starting a new business or launching a new product/ service can be done by trial and error or you can use a simple method to increase the success rate.
Failure can come at a high price, so this introduction to Lean Startup and Business Canvas can help you to increase that success factor. The training consists of an introduction to the method and a workshop in order to put in practice what the theory says. Bring your business ideas or your good mood with you. Success!
Patrick Bosteels:
At 16 I decided I would never work for a boss. I was following art school after class from my 14th till my 19th and after that full-time art school for 4 years, in order to become a photographer and filmmaker. Very quickly I was father and artist life didn't bring food on the table so I decided to do business. Bootstrapped too many companies, learned the hard way. Always a mix of creativity and technology. After 30 years and coming to Turkiye, before mainly Belgium, France and UK, I changed towards impact creation. No company structure anymore but sharing my knowledge in order to create sustainable and meaningful change for a better world. I love the naivety in setting that goal and pursuing it.
Startups, technology, organizer, trainer, mentor are my buzzwords today and I feel fortunate to do this with my wife and partner, Neşen Yücel, in a beautiful country.,, and are the results.