“Trust is a confident relationship with the unknown”
Transactions and other interactions on a Blockchain involve the secure exchange of value. The value comes in the form of tokens, which are not only transactional currencies such as Bitcoin, but new forms of value that can be defined according to the purpose of the Blockchain. This offers nearly infinite opportunity, which means most people are stuck as they don’t know where to start.
As the old saying goes, ‘One man’s garbage is another man’s treasure’. What has value to one person may mean nothing to another. From a business perspective, this means that the trick is still to imagine and create something that has underlying value to someone else.
While it is relatively easy to understand how Blockchain can exchange value as a process, and we understand how Crypto Kitties are safe and fun, there is still no killer dApp that brings it all together. It is still very hard to invent real use cases that go beyond theory and novelty. Such invention is an act of creation, and beyond that co-creation.
Over the course of history, what is perceived as valuable has changed significantly. But, precious and limited resources such as gold have managed to form a core consistency. The value we ascribe to Tokens might function as digital representations of physical assets, as a reward mechanism to incentivize network users, or to enable the creation and exchange of completely new forms of value
In an age where the data we generate is the new oil, exponential technologies have captured the imagination of the global business community. The core of Blockchain’s ethos is one of a better world, but in practice it is also simply the transition to more effective capitalization of digital assets. How can these worlds merge? What is the role of value and tokenization in this story?
The rise of Blockchain has unlocked massive opportunities for value generation across industries. The focus has currently been on cost reduction and better managing opaque and expensive processes. Within the coming years - as we and the technology mature - it will expand trade, enable new markets, and much more, most all of which is yet to be discovered.
Gartner estimates this to add business value of at least $3.1 tn in the next decade, knowing just what we know now. The learning curve of Blockchain moves from inspired, to complete, to enhanced. The transition through each phase requires us to grow as we go, so that we can fathom and embody the changes that will be required of us as humans to design truly decentralized technological systems around new definitions of value.
Mature Blockchain networks will take time to develop, and we can’t fully comprehend how enhanced Blockchain would even work in practice. However, if we plan to remain standing in the large-scale transformation in the wake of Blockchain’s evolution, those individuals and companies who have the required knowledge and skill sets to re-imagine value and capitalize on early discoveries will be the ones to benefit the most.
This lab will explore what can be created through tokenization and how to start re-engineering business relationships, monetize illiquid assets, and redistribute existing data and value flows to invent how business really engages in a digital world.
defining value
How has value been defined throughout time? What really determines value?
Inner Purpose & Core Values
What is the difference between your beliefs and your core values? What are your fundamental assets? Your purpose? Your Ikigai?
tokens etc.
Value abstraction, how to differentiate between protocols, tokenizing digital assets, the shift to the internet of value.
Socratic Design canvas
Prototype collective wisdom and shared values as the essence for a new use case and business model.